All changes in this list are in (RN7 - Lavender) some minimal changes are not in (RN8 - Ginkgo)
Add new closing folders on home.
Add new fingerprint unlock after restart.
Add new time for single and expanded volume bar.
Fix screen sharing (miracast function).
Fix SecurityCenter application options.
Add new background as main wallpaper.
Add new fonts.
Add advanced reboot (fastboot recovery)(new design)
Fix google Backup and restore.
Delete of blank lines (dividing lines) from the main configuration menu.
Add coupling number up to 8, in MiuiHome
Add more clock and weather widget.
Add more window animation scales (Off, 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x, 5x)
Add more animation transition scales (Off, 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x, 5x)
Add more animation duration scales (Off, 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2x, 5x)
Optimized MIUI camera image quality for each option (high, standard and low)
ADD cleaning app
ADD carousel app
FIX optimization in the security application
ADD music control with keyboard volume on locked screen
ADD hide notification panel alarm icon
ADD double network icon in notification panel
ADD scrolling animations for third-party applications
UPDATE miui applications: calculator, music and video
ADD default file explorer to open in storage.
ADD NotoColorEmoji android 11
ADD increasing the size of a window in PiP mode
ADD sound control for system and notification.
ADD 4x8, 5x8, 6x8 screen layout.
FIX Removed MicroG, problems with other apps Install MicroG to fix YouTubeVanced shutdown
ADD Video at 60 fps on MiuiScreenRecorder
ADD Some interface changes
ADD Support camera 4k quality
ADD Disabled pre-installed app
ADD HDR Live support_camera_aohdr
ADD Added sqlite3
ADD YouTube Tweaks 4k
ADD Various tweaks.
ADD Scroll scroll improvement
ADD Data partition compatible with f2fs
UPDATE google applications.
ADD Youtube vanced 15.05.14
ADD Pdfviewer application
ADD Increased video bitRate
ADD Added some sounds for alarm, notifications
ADD Advanced restart (recovery fastboot)
ADD Sound driver for better quality
ADD Host update, ad blocking
ADD And other optimization changes.
removed unnecessary apps